§ 15-118. Sewer main extensions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Approval required. No sewer main shall be constructed within the boundaries of the town, or connected to the existing facilities of the town without written approval from the board. All sewer mains shall be constructed in accordance with the town's codes and standards.


    Costs of extensions. Except when the town determines that an extension would be in the best interest of the town, all public sewer extensions shall be constructed at the sole expense of the developer, owner or person requesting such extension. In addition to the actual construction costs, the owner, developer or person requesting the extension shall pay all expenses incurred by the town in connection with the extension including all town engineering fees for the design review, inspection and testing of the extension, all legal expenses incurred by the town in preparing, reviewing, approving and enforcing the extension agreement.


    Required submittal. For approval of any extension the following documents and information must be submitted for review:


    A copy of the proposed or final plat for any subdivision;


    Drawings and specifications for all sewer lines, manholes, lift stations and related equipment prepared and certified by a registered engineer;


    Construction and performance bond equal to 100 percent of the construction cost of the proposed extension;


    Easements, deeds, title reports and other evidence to demonstrate that sufficient easements for the extension exist; and


    Any other information deemed necessary for complete review by the town.

    After approval of the proposed extension, the town will enter into an agreement authorizing the extension in accordance with this division.


    Acceptance or extensions. After construction and prior to acceptance for maintenance of any extension and prior to permitting any connection of service lines to the extension, the following must be submitted and approved by the board:


    As-built drawings and profile maps of the sewer extension stamped or certified by a registered engineer.


    Drawings and specifications for lift stations, if any.


    Deeds for all new easements and bills of sale or other documents of conveyance for all lines and other facilities.


    An agreement to provide a two-year warranty for all improvements.


    Compensation for oversized facilities. No person extending the public sewer shall be entitled to any reimbursement or other compensation from adjoining land owners who connect to the extension, except when the town requires over sizing of the facilities in order to serve future development. In those cases where oversizing is required, the town will enter into a recovery agreement allowing the person financing the extension to recover a portion of the additional costs resulting from the oversizing of the facility.

(Ord. No. 329, § 15-108, 12-18-07)